Year IRB was Established: 2000
PHREB Registration No.: 07-024
The Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review – Forum for Ethical Review Committees in the Asian and Western Pacific Region (SIDCER-FERCAP) awarded its recognition to MDH-IRB during the 13th FERCAP General Assembly in Bali, Indonesia on November 20, 2013 for compliance to ICH Guidelines, GCP standards, CIOMS Guidelines, WHO Standards for Operational Guidance for Ethics Review and Health-related Research and Surveying and Evaluating Ethical Review Practices, EC/IRB Standard Operating Procedures, and Local Regulations and Standards in Ethical Review. The SIDCER-FERCAP renewed its recognition to MDH IRB on November 23, 2016 at the BhumiSiriManglanusorn Building, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital and on December 11, 2021 during the 21st FERCAP Online International Annual Conference conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
MDH IRB is one of the founding members of the Philippine National Health Research Ethics Network (PHREN) established in 2013.
Name | Designation | Expertise | GCP/ REC Trainings |
Camilo G. Te, Jr., M.D. | Chair | Consultant, Cardiology | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics trainings; Advanced GCP courses; SOP Training |
Marissa B. Lukban, M.D. | Co-Chair | Consultant, Pediatric –Neurology Dept. of Internal Medicine | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics trainings; Advanced GCP courses, SOP Training |
Myrna Buenaluz-Sedurante, M.D. | Member-Secretary | Consultant, Endocrinology | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics trainings; Advanced GCP courses; SOP Training |
Angela Abanilla-Du, M.D. | Member | Consultant, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics trainings; Advanced GCP courses; SOP Training; Accreditation Training on Enhancing Accreditation Process; International Course on Surveying and Evaluating Ethical Review Practices; PHREB National Accreditation Training and Visit and FERCAP Surveying and Evaluating Ethical Review Practices; Training Workshop on Registries in the evaluation of Patient Outcomes; Research Ethics and Continuing Review with focus on Serious Adverse Events |
Maria Epifania V. Collantes, M.D. | Member | Consultant, Neurology Dept. of Internal Medicine | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics trainings; Advanced GCP courses; SOP Training |
Albert B. Albay, Jr., M.D. | Member | Consultant, Pulmonology | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics trainings; Advanced GCP courses; SOP Training |
Maria Karen Luisa Villanueva-Timbol, M.D. | Member | Consultant, Oncology | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics trainings; Advanced GCP courses; SOP Training |
Rhea Angela Salonga-Quimpo, M.D. | Member | Consultant, Pediatric –Neurology, Epilepsy Dept. of Internal Medicine | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics trainings; Advanced GCP courses; SOP Training |
Mr. Jose Rico S. Domingo | Independent/ Lay Member | Pastoral, GCF-West Christian Church | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics for Non-Medical Personnel; Advanced GCP course |
Maria Cecilia L. Ruiz | Member, External/Lay | Teacher | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics |
Jennifer S. San Luis, M.D. | Alternate Member | Consultant, Pulmonology | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics |
Kenneth G. Samala, M.D. | Alternate Member | Consultant, Oncology | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics |
Catherine C. Lagayan | Secretariat | IRB-Consultant Secretary | Basic GCP and Principles on Health Research Ethics trainings; Advanced GCP courses; SOP Training; PHREB National Accreditation Training and Visit and FERCAP Surveying and Evaluating Ethical Review Practices; 1st Research Ethics Committee Staff Training-Workshop |
The International Council on Harmonization (ICH) defines an institutional review board (IRB) as a group formally designated to protect the rights, safety and well- being of human beings involved in a clinical trial by reviewing all aspects of the trial and approving its startup. IRBs can also be called independent ethics committees (IECs). The Manila Doctors Hospital uses the term IRB to represent its institutional review board.
The Manila Doctors Hospital-institutional Review Board (MDH-IRB) does not only review the ethical aspects of a research protocol but also the informed consent process, participant recruitment, advertisement, research staff suitability and risk-benefit balance. It operates in accordance with national and/or local regulations as well as with ICH-Good Clinical Practices (GCPs) guidelines.
The Manila Doctors Hospital Ethics Review Board (MDH-ERB) was officially created in 2000 as an arm of the Committee on Research (CORES) and functioned to review and document approvals of all clinical researches conducted at the Manila Doctors Hospital. Before that time, there were no records of the activities of the MDH-ERB or any functioning body in the hospital. ERB functions were simply an additional responsibility of the Committee on Research and/or the Hospital Ethics Committee. The Philippine General Hospital ERB guidelines served as the basis for the review process.
In 2007, the MDH-IRB was registered as an established review body by the Philippine Council for Health Research Development Board (PCHRD). Two years later, the ERB was renamed the Manila Doctors Hospital Institutional Review Board (MDH-IRB).
The MDH-IRB reviews researches conducted by hospital and medical staff, residents, fellows and other trainees of the Manila Doctors Hospital (MDH). Majority of its workload comes from review of industry-sponsored clinical trials by principal investigators who are consultants of the Manila Doctors Hospital. The MDH IRB was granted Level III Ethics Review Committee Accreditation by the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) of the Department of Science and Technology on March 14, 2014 until March 14, 2017, and has undergone its second re-accreditation and granted Level III Ethics Review Committee last March 14, 2017 until March 13, 2021. The MDH IRB had its third re-accreditation and was granted Level III Ethics Review Committee effective December 8, 2021 until December 7, 2025.
The MDH –IRB has been granted international recognition by the Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review – Forum for Ethical Review Committees in the Asian and Western Pacific Region (SIDCER-FERCAP) last November 20, 2013 in Bali, Indonesia. SIDCER-FERCAP renewed its recognition to MDH IRB on November 23, 2016 at the BhumiSiriManglanusorn Building, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. The MDH IRB received its third recognition from SIDCER-FERCAP on December 11, 2021 during the 21st FERCAP Online International Annual Conference conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Currently, the MDH IRB is one of the founding members of the Philippine Health Research Ethics Network (PHREN).
A clinical trial is any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes.
Interventions include but are not restricted to drugs, cells and other biological products, surgical procedures, radiological procedures, devices, behavioural treatments, process-of-care changes, preventive care, etc.
Please note that the Manila Doctors Hospital Institutional Review Board (MDH IRB) reviews research conducted by MDH Consultants, Fellow, Residents and Interns, and MDH Allied Health Professionals only.
Request for Statement of Account (SOA) from prior to submission. Email the following details needed for the SOA:
Accomplish the BASIC DOCUMENTS FOR ALL STUDIES, submit the protocol package in PDF format and all IRB Forms in MS Word format through the MDH IRB Google Form link: For Clinical Trials Initial submission: CLICK HERE
The MDH IRB will send an email confirmation of receipt of submission and request to submit one (1) hard copy to MDH IRB Secretariat at 8th floor George Ty Medical Tower, Manila Doctors Hospital, 664 T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila 1000, telephone number 8558-0888 local 4728. Attach a cover letter for each package submission addressed to:
Dr. Camilo G. Te, Jr.
Institutional Review Board
Manila Doctors Hospital
Cut-off of submission is every 15th of the month (until 5:00PM only) except for the month of December which will be on the 5th.
If the 15th of the month falls on a weekend or a nonworking holiday, the last working day prior to the 15th of the month shall be deemed as the cutoff date.
IRB review is scheduled every last Tuesday of the month except for holidays, unforeseen events and eventualities, as well as for the month of December. Documents are to be submitted with an MDH Official Receipt/Invoice as proof of payment.
How do we submit Non-Clinical Trials and research for review? (Consultant-initiated research and research by MDH Trainees: Fellows, Residents, Interns and Allied Health Professionals)
Please note that the Manila Doctors Hospital Institutional Review Board (MDH IRB) reviews research conducted by MDH Consultants, Fellow, Residents and Interns, and MDH Allied Health Professionals only.
MDH IRB review is scheduled every last Tuesday of the month except for holidays, unforeseen events and eventualities, as well as for the month of December.
Once submission is confirmed by IRB, the CORES shall inform the MDH Trainees to submit one (1) hard copy to MDH IRB Secretariat at 8th floor George Ty Medical Tower, Manila Doctors Hospital, 664 T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila 1000, telephone number 8558-0888 local 4728. Attach a cover letter for each package submission addressed to:
Dr. Camilo G. Te, Jr.
Institutional Review Board
Manila Doctors Hospital
2. For MDH CONSULTANT-INITIATED RESEARCH: Accomplish the checklist of BASIC DOCUMENTS FOR ALL STUDIES and submit the protocol package in PDF format and all IRB Forms in MS Word format through the MDH IRB Google Form link: For Non-Clinical Trial (Trainees and Consultants) Initial submission: CLICK HERE
The MDH IRB will send an email confirmation of receipt of submission and request to submit one (1) hard copy to MDH IRB Secretariat at 8th floor George Ty Medical Tower, Manila Doctors Hospital, 664 T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila 1000, telephone number 8558-0888 local 4728. Attach a cover letter for each package submission addressed to:
Dr. Camilo G. Te, Jr.
Institutional Review Board
Manila Doctors Hospital
Cut-off of submission for Consultant-initiated research is every 15th of the month except for the month of December which will be on the 5th. IRB Review is scheduled every last Tuesday of the month except for holidays, unforeseen events and eventualities, as well as for the month of December.
For Clinical Trials Initial submission: CLICK HERE
For Non-Clinical Trial (Trainees and Consultants) Initial submission: CLICK HERE
For All Post-Approval submissions (Clinical Trial and Non-Clinical Trials): CLICK HERE
Basic Documents for All Studies
Additional Documents for Clinical Trials and other Industry-Sponsored Studies
Additional Basic Documents for Studies initiated by Hospital and MDH Medical Staff, Fellows, Residents, and Interns
Other forms:
Downloadable MDH IRB SOP guidelines on Submissions:
1. MDH IRB SOP II 2021 Initial Protocol Submission
2. MDH IRB SOP III 2021 Amendment Submissions
Downloadable MDH IRB SOP guidelines on Reporting Timelines:
3. MDH IRB SOP III 2021 Timeline for Progress Report
4. MDH IRB SOP III 2021 Timeline for Continuing Review/Annual Report Submissions
5. MDH IRB SOP III 2021 Timeline for Final Report Submissions
6. MDH IRB SOP III 2021 Timeline for SAE Reporting
7. MDH IRB SOP III 2021 Timeline for Offsite SUSARs Reporting
8. MDH IRB SOP III 2021 Timeline for Study Protocol Non-compliance (Deviation or Violation) Report
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How long does it take for MDH IRB to approve a protocol?
The MDH IRB approves a reviewed and deliberated protocol after the IRB meeting date set every last Tuesday of the month, or otherwise declared, and releases its approval/query letter 1 to 5 days after the said IRB meeting. Turnaround time from submission to approval is usually around 2 to 3 months.
2. How many copies of the protocol should I submit?
The electronic copy of the protocol package for review and approval should be submitted on or before the submission cut-off date which is every 15th of the month. One (1) hard copy should be submitted within the week after the electronic submission.
3. How long is the validity of the ethical clearance?
The validity of the ethical approval is for one (1) year only, hence, the Principal Investigator should apply for a Continuing Review.
4. Do we pay for storage of clinical trial drugs?
Storage of clinical trial drug and other expenses are not included in the review fee. There should be a separate agreement with the MDH Pharmacy or the Committee on Research (CORES) for storage.
5. When do we pay ethics review fee?
Upon submission of the protocol, otherwise, it will not be reviewed.
6. Who prepares the CTA?
The Sponsor prepares the tri-partite clinical trial agreement to be signed by the Sponsor, Principal Investigator and Manila Doctors Hospital. MDH signatories are:
First Vice President
and Hospital Director
The IRB is NOT a signatory of the CTA. The CTA undergoes IRB endorsement prior to approval of the Hospital Director and President.